Friday, November 5, 2010

Response to Bany's blog- Middle School.

After reading Bany’s blog, I realized how much I too missed school. In her blog she states,

I remembered the times I had with friends at middle school. I remember always hanging out, not really doing work. I never studied for test and I did my homework about five minutes before class, I never really needed to do anything because middle school was so easy. I would just talk in class and then go home and hang out again. we would have so much fun at lunch, going out to the yard and just talking all day! our classes were much shorter and we did fun things in class. We would have a better way of doing class work, by going outside to do work and having group projects. I also LOVED the events we had at our school. We had a bunch of spirit weeks and dances and parties.

After leaving middle school and entering high school I realized many things. First, I should have taken advantage of the free dress code in middle school. Second, middle school is way easier than high school. Lastly, drama in middle school compares nothing to drama in high school. At ASTI, the level of education rose. Science used to be a subject that I enjoyed very much, now I struggle to do my labs correctly. In seventh grade, I felt that I was prepared to conquer my struggles in science labs since I did so many. Now all of my work feels like it’s never enough. Another change in education level is the rate at which essays are graded. In middle school, essays were usually easy to compose, with a free writing structure my words came easy to me. At ASTI, I have to try harder to make my essays more complex. I enjoy the more advanced level of education but at the same time, it is sometimes hard to overcome.

Another reason for why I miss middle school is because we had more spirit days and dances. Spirit days were always really fun, everybody dressed up and tried to look the best! Also since I helped plan most of our dances, I knew what was coming and how fun it would be. Everybody came to the dances and the gym was always full of students having fun!

I miss my days at Linoln Middle School because there was no drama, spirit days came often, dances were always fun, and the level of education was way easier. Although ASTI is different from middle school in many ways, I feel lucky to be able to be at this school.

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