Monday, November 1, 2010

Kite Runner- Book Review

After reading the first section of The Kite Runner, I am now inspired by the ways that Khaled Hosseini worded his novel, he brings a new essence to his characters in The Kite Runner. Khaled Hosseini's style of writing is a mixture of a narrative but has bits of many flashbacks and flashforwards as well. An example of this is when he writes,
"The swelling subsided, and the wound healed with time. Soon, it was just a pink jagged line running up from his lip. By the following winter, it was only a faint scar. Which was ironic. Because that was the winter that Hassan stopped smiling."
When Hosseini explains Hassan's new surgery, he adds flashforwards when he says "By the following winter, it was only a faint scar." This represents a flashforward because at the time, Amir is talking about Hassan's lip subsiding. Then he jumps forward to what happens in winter. Hosseini's book is a narrative, in that, Amir is the character talking about his life story with Hassan. Though Hosseini is not the character that Amir is based off of, he still creates the atmosphere of Amir being a real person. I enjoy reading the Kite Runner a lot, and I am looking forward to see what happens later on with Hassan and Amir.

Another aspect of the story that struck me was the genre. In this case, The Kite Runner is a historical fiction novel. Compared to another historical fiction book that I have read, The Golden Goblet, I very much enjoy this novel better. In The Golden Goblet, the author does a great job in composing the book, but I feel that Hosseini has taken historical fiction to another level. The Golden Goblet is based off of the events that happened in Ancient Egypt. In this story, it is a tale about a young boy discovering new things in his life. While in The Kite Runner, it is a story about a young boy explaining the events going on in his life as well. The reason why I enjoy reading the Kite Runner more is because it is more realistic and I can relate to it easily. Although I enjoyed reading The Golden Goblet, The Kite Runner has become on of my most favorite books and I haven't finished reading it yet.

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