Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Qfwfq's Shame and Pride.

Throughout each of the stories, Q often goes back and forth between prideful arrogance, and shameful embarrassment.

Qfwfq faces different emotions while being a new member of the New Ones. Towards the end he begins to realize the real reason why dinosaurs decided to give up and leave the world when he saw one of his brethren dead and fossilized. He began to see the similarities of him and the dead dinosaur when he says; “If one of them had looked from the skeleton to me, as I stood there staring at it, he would have realized at once that we were identical.” (PG108) When Qfwfq say this, he compares his physical resemblance to the dinosaur. His mouth open as if in his last cry before being defeated. Q feels a bit shameful when looking at the fallen dinosaur because it reminds him of how vulnerable the dinosaurs were in the first place. But at the same time, he felt that the essence of other species questioning whether or not dinosaurs actually existed made him feel special.

In the story The Aquatic Uncle,Q is also shamed by his uncle, N’ba N’ga, because he is not as evolved than Q is. Qfwfq feels that N’ba N’ga is an embarrassment to him whenever he says things about water. Q expresses this when he says, “Yes, we had a great-uncle who was a fish, on my paternal grandmother’s side...(the fresh-water branch: who are, for the matter, cousins of the others..)” (PG71)When Qfwfq states this he is reluctant to show that his great uncle is any way related to him. Later on in the story he feels embarrassed when his girlfriend Lll meets his uncle because she is a land animal. To Q, land animals are a more advanced species of organisms so when N’ba N’ga talks about the greatness of water he is very ashamed.

In The Dinosaurs,  Q is a new member of the New Ones, but as he adapts to their ways, he realizes the similarities between the New Ones and the Dinosaurs. When he found out that the Dinosaurs were coming back, he detested the concept. Qfwfq states, “If the Dinosaurs were trying to re-establish their rule with invasions and massacres, it meant they had learned nothing from experience, that they had survived only by mistake.” (PG106) As a result to this, the New Ones turn to Q for help in defeating the Dinosaurs. He feels that they are taking the easy way out by giving responsibility to a mere outsider. Later on he states, “I wanted nothing to do with either side: let the rip each other apart in turn! I didn’t give a damn about any of them.” (PG106) When Qfwfq say this he feels shame in both the New Ones and the Dinosaurs and wants no part in them anymore. Being alone and traveling by himself was a better idea to him than being with these clans.

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