Friday, September 24, 2010

Friendship. Response to Rokhsor

After reading Rokhsor’s blog about friendship, I realized how important friendship is and how powerful it can be. In her blog she states,

What is friendship? That is one thing us high schooler's do not know the definition of because no one knows the first thing about friendship. Friendship is the most precious thing in the world. It is about trust, loyalty, and fun. .....Being trustworthy is a big thing. High school students do not take it seriously but it is definitely an important thing. It takes a very long time to earn someone's trust, and when you do, it is in you best interest to not ruin it.
Throughout her blog she explains the main parts of a good friendship: trust, loyalty, and fun. I can relate to her thoughts about friendship because I understand how hard it is to build a really good relationship with a friend. Trust is a big factor to friendship. Without it, the friendship would fall apart. A good friend is somebody who can keep your secrets without telling one person hoping they won’t spread the rumor. I believe trust is the most important part of a friendship because it determines how long the friendship will last. Friends that have a hard time trusting each other won’t be able to have a healthy friendship. Loyalty. Similar to trust but at the same time has its differences. One can be trustworthy to a friend but not be loyal at the same time.

During my time at ASTI so far I have learned more about myself by the people I hang out with. I’ve built good friendships with the people that I feel that I can trust, and that are really fun to hang around. Friendship is a key part of my life because my friends are some of the people I know I can count on later on and even though they won’t be there forever I know I can count on them right now.

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