Friday, January 28, 2011

Should Teens Be Allowed To Vote? -pro.

After doing research on the topic of teen voting, I agree with the majority of people all around the world. Their answer? Yes, teens should be allowed to vote.

In an article that I read by Mike Hardcastle titled, "Top 5 Reasons YOUth Should Vote" he stated, "You live in a democracy and that means that you get a say in who runs your country, and by way of this privilege you also get a say about how your country is run." This statement by Hardcastle is very true.

If we teenagers live in a country run by democracy which allows many citizens to vote, why are we excluded in this voting process? Teenagers should be allowed to vote because some measures or laws affect us too, when this is the case there is no reason why we shouldn't be allowed to add our input to benefit our city/state/country.

In another article I found by Desiree Bailey titled, "Should 16-Year-Olds Have The Right To Vote?" she stated, "The teens who would be mostly likely to vote if the voting age is lowered do have strong opinions and ideas about public policies. And, say the advocates of a lower voting age, teens would bring a fresh new perspective to politics, their energy and spirit reminding adults of the excitement they once felt when they saw a world before them ready to be changed." At the time that Bailey wrote this she was 1 year away from turning 18 and looking forward to the process of voting. I agree with her thoughts on teen voting because many teens that are admitted the ability to vote will not take the opportunity to do so while teens that are interested will take the opportunity and change the perspective of adults with their input. Maybe by doing so, teenagers can enlighten the minds of adults and make them think about other people other than themselves. What I mean by saying this is, adults that do not have children don't care about school budget cuts and other things like that; but if teens put their input and explain to them your reason for why it is important that they vote a certain way maybe the outcome of the law will change.

To conclude my blog, I believe teens should get the right to vote and change the world with their thoughts on political events.

1 comment:

  1. name the measure that affect us... "What I mean by saying this is, adults that do not have children don't care about school budget cuts and other things like that" got any example? "In another article I found by Desiree Bailey titled, "Should 16-Year-Olds Have The Right To Vote?" she stated, "The teens who would be mostly likely to vote if the voting age is lowered do have strong opinions and ideas about public policies. And, say the advocates of a lower voting age, teens would bring a fresh new perspective to politics, their energy and spirit reminding adults of the excitement they once felt when they saw a world before them ready to be changed." WHERE THE WEBSITE!!! FALSE INFORMATION! "This statement by Hardcastle is very true." why you agree with this?
