Sunday, January 23, 2011

Celie's Relationship With God.

In the book The Color Purple, by Alice Walker, the protagonist character Celie is writing letters to God on each page. This book is different because it is a collection of her letters, not really a story like book although it still has a message. These letters tell us about her character traits because she is very committed to God and has a lot of faith in him. She also doesn't have many people that she cant trust or turn to in life so she turns to God for her answers. In the book Celie says,
"I can spell G-O-D I  got somebody along."
This quote shows that she has a lot of trust in Godd and no matter what she will always look to him in her time of need. Celie is also very weak both mentally and physically, she is scared to stand up for herself since men are always superior to her. A quote from the book that explains this is,
"Don't let them run over you, Nettie say. You got to let them know who got the upper hand." Following this quote Celie is still afraid to tell Mr. _____'s kids no. This shows that Celie is too weak to stick up for herself. I predict that this is the reason why she always looks to God for help.

Another quote from the book that shows her belief in God is,
"I say write. 
She say what?
I say, write. 
She say, nothing but death can keep me from it.
She never write."
This quote shows that she was trying to persuade another person to write to God so that the person's prayers/troubles will be fixed. When she said that woman never wrote, she explains that this is why her troubles have not gone away, God can help.
"She ast me about the first one whose it is? I say God's. I don't know no other man or what else to say."
 When Celie's mother question where the baby came from and what man it came from, Celie has a hard time telling her whose it is since it was her father's. Instead Celie tells her mother that it is God's. This is another reason why I strongly believe Celie is a strong follower of God.

Celie's messages to God tell me that when nobody else can help her, God can.

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