Friday, October 8, 2010

Tony's Words of Wisdom

Over the span of two weeks Tony Lin has taught me a lot. I know this can be a bit shocking, I found it weird also, but yes he taught me ways to be a better person! The two lessons that I learned from Tony were, first, if somebody feels uncomfortable telling you their secrets and you respect that person then you should mind your own business. Which brings me to my second moral lesson from Tony, if it's none of your business stay out of it!

I feel that it is important for everybody to follow both of Tony's words of wisdom because they are very true. If somebody is apprehensive about telling you something that is important to them then you shouldn't force them to tell you. Also, if that person is somebody important in your life and you care for them, you should at least respect them enough to not make them share their secrets. Keeping secrets is something very hard to do. When one person tells their friend a secret they expect them to keep it to themselves, not to share it with other people. So, if you ask that person what the secret is, you may not know it but it is affecting more than just that one person. First, the person who wants their friend to keep it a secret will be affected the most because now their business is being spread around. Second, the friend that was supposed to keep their friend's secret is going to be put in drama with that person for telling the secret to someone else. Now that you know what the secret is, it's hard to keep it to yourself. The saying "Don't tell anybody!" will not prevent the secret from being passed around. So, the moral here is, if you respect your friend, you will care enough to not worry about the secrets that they know.

The second concept that Tony taught me was, if it's not your business, stay out of it! This is very important because sometimes you can find yourself tangled in a web of drama. To prevent this just stay out of business that you don't belong in. For example, if your friend and another friend are having a fight, it is alright to tell them that they should stop, but it is not alright to take part in the fight. If you do so then you will now be arguing with them even though it was not what you intended to do.

Tony has taught me two really important things that I will need to know throughout high school and I'm glad he did because it helped me be a better person! He calls himself "The Asian Dr. Phil", I guess that's sort of true. But anyways thanks Tony!

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