Thursday, October 7, 2010

Response to Tony's Blog- MOVIE NIGHT!!

After reading Tony's blog about movie night, I agree that it was one of the best ASTI moments of the year. In his blog he writes, 
Yesterday felt like a bonding day. It was actually better than a bonding day cause it felt like I really bonded with people. The duration of movie night was four hours, I spent about 20 mins watching a movie. The other 220 minutes I spent hanging out with friends and having fun.
On movie night, I had so much fun hanging out with my friends. I was glad that I went to movie night because it gave me a chance to get closer to my new friends at ASTI. After school, Tony, Ivan, Ebone, Rokhsor, Shannon, Kathyrn, and I went to McDonald's. Ivan and I took the bus to McDonald's because we didn't feel like walking all the way there. When everybody else got there, Tony decided to order 20 mcnuggets, of course. While we sat at the back, Tony eyed one of his mcnuggets. It turns out that they gave him one the size of a quarter. He went to the register people and asked for another one.In the end he finished all 20 of them.

When we were finished, Ivan, Ebone, Karissa and I decided to take the bus back to ASTI since we were too lazy to walk. We didn't realize that the bus stop was two stops away, we sat at the corner of the block waiting for one. Then we saw a bus two blocks away. We sprinted to catch that one so we could get back. I remember the faint sounds of Ivan screaming "Ahh! My pants are falling down!" I turned around to see him holding his pants up as high as possibe. We all started laughing. Finally we got to the bus and passed by Shannon, Tony, Rokhsor, and Kathyrn walking.

We got back to ASTI and saw everybody waiting outside to get into the movie. It took a while for it to start. The movie comercials were pretty scary, and of course Tony had to scare me while I was watching one. We ended up watching Without A Paddle it got really boring so we decided to leave. Troy, Tony, Rokhsor, Ebone, Kathyrn, Shannon, Yen, Cameron, Stan, Karissa and I all walked to the soccer field and sat in the bleachers to play Truth or Dare, it ended up being Dare or Dare. The football people started looking at us so we left. It started getting a bit chilly, so we wanted to join the yoga class. Too bad they had already started. Instead we went to the building on top stairs where they usually do music club. We did more dares up there. It started to get really fun. I won't say what the dares were because it's a secret. But in the end we all had a good time.

When the first movie ended, we went back to ASTI to see if we wanted to watch the second movie. Instead we went to the roof on the college campus and did more dares. It was getting dark and I wanted to watch the scary movie. So Shannon, Tony, Yen and I went back to ASTI. I sat there for a while and it started to get boring. Shannon left leaving only Tony, Yen and me. M.R and Tony decided that it would be funny if they screamed, when Tony did I got really scared. Tony then left leaving only Yen and I. I got even more bored so I decided to leave. Yen, MR and I went back to the roof. When I got there my friends were still playing truth or dare. We did this for the rest of the day until movie night ended.

That night I made new friends, MR (Ella), and Kyle Salter, and hungout with my ASTI friends. Movie night was a night that I won't forget because of how much fun we had that night.

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