Friday, March 25, 2011

Mango Says Goodbye.

The last four vignettes from the House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros holds many details about Esperanza's place on Mango Street. "The Three Sisters" is a mystery to be looked at carefully. While "Alicia & I Talking on Edna's Steps" tells the story of being at home. "A House of My Own" talks about Esperanza being independent in her dream home. "Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes" sums up the story of Esperanza and her adventure through life. The many stories she tells all bound together to bring out the true meaning of the book. Each vignette adds to Esperanza's picture of "home." 

In the future Esperanza will become big. She will be successful and live in the dream home that she sought for in "A House of My Own." 
"Not a flat. Not an apartment in back. Not a man's house. Not a daddy's. A house all my own. [...] Only a house quiet as snow, a space for myself to go, clean as paper before the poem." (108)
Here, Esperanza talks about her dream house. It is obvious that her intentions are to find a nice house all to herself. One that would not be seen on Mango Street. She wants to be independent, and does not like the idea of having to rely on others. This shows that maybe she will be strong enough to "come back for the others" that live on Mango Street. When she says, "clean as paper before the poem" I think this means that while writing a poem, a jumble of words can fill the paper but before the poem has been written the paper is clean. She wants a new beginning in the house of her own. And then maybe later on she will fill the poem with a jumble of her own words. When Esperanza is successful and settled down, she will come back for Mango Street. 

In the vignette, "Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes," Esperanza shows that she is strong enough to leave Mango Street and intends on leaving the place where she doesn't belong. 
"One day I will say goodbye to Mango. I am too strong for her to keep me here forever. One day I will go away." (110)
This quote shows that Esperanza will leave Mango Street. She doesn't belong and needs a way out. Later on in the vignette she writes.
"They will not know I have gone away to come back. For the ones I left behind. For the ones who cannot out."(110)
This shows that Esperanza's intentions are to come back and help the poor people who are unable to leave the nightmares of Mango Street. She wants to make things better and help others. This is why she says goodbye to Mango Street but not forever. This is only the end of the beginning in Esperanza's life.

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