Friday, December 17, 2010

Response to Alex T's blog-Forgiving.

After reading Alex Tang's response post about forgiving friends for their mistakes, I agree with what he is trying to say. In his blog he expressed his feelings about how people make mistakes and sometimes accidents happen but you can't blame the person for doing it.
I have mixed feelings about this statement because everyone is and should be entitled to make mistakes because we are humans and everybody knows that no one is perfect. If they did something bad by accident and they owned up to it and apologized then you should forgive them because at least they owned up to it.
I completely agree with what he is saying because not everyone is perfect. Mistakes should not end a friendship especially if it was only an accident. If a close friend happens to do something that affects you, you should not make them feel any worse for their actions. They have already apologized, although if it was something that was terrible, I can see how this person would feel like not forgiving their friend.

Forgiving someone takes a lot of courage especially if what they did was very hurtful. But it also shows that you are the bigger person, for giving them a second chance and realizing that they are sincerely sorry.

Apologizing also takes a lot of courage since it could be terrifying owning up to the truth and confronting the person that is very disappointed in you.

If a friendship is supposed to last then both friends should be able to get over their obstacle and realize that they are still very close friends no matter what. People make accidents and sometimes their actions can ruin a friendship. But it should not be able to destroy it forever.

Alex also adds in his blog,
If so, then have you ever forgiven them or considered forgiving them? If not, do you think did the right thing and do you regret not forgiving them.

If you can't forgive a friend then later on it will get back to you and sooner or later you will miss that friend very much. Losing a friend is worse than the friend hurting you by accident or making a mistake because now it has affected the both of you in many ways. After losing a friendship, it can be very hard to regain. What Alex is trying to say is that people should think twice about hating somebody for their mistakes because later on you will realize that it was a bigger mistake to let your friend go.

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